This Day is Forever – The 9/11 Memorial Song

The 9/11 Album: This Day is Forever

Song Lyrics

This day is forever is when we come together in these times of trouble
When we can bear all the sorrow that comes our way as we crawl and struggle
And we can still lend our weak and weary hands to help out others in the rubble.

This day (Nine Eleven) in our hearts will live forever…

This day you see forever is when you can recognize a ray of hope through the haze and the darkness
When you can hear the mournful wails turn to communal anthems uniting us all in spite of the sadness
And you can see the bravest and the finest giving up their lives for the sake of our wellness

Chorus 2:
This day (Nine Eleven) in our hearts will live forever…
This day (Nine Eleven) in our minds will live forever…

This day I miss my loved ones taken from me and I grieve.
I’m never giving up hope though I’m surrounded by so much destruction and debris
I surely will rise up from the ashes to rebuild my life, continue to be free

Chorus 3:
This day (Nine Eleven) in our hearts will live forever…
This day (Nine Eleven) in our minds will live forever…
This day (Nine Eleven) in our souls will live forever … repeat

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How Did “This Day Is Forever” Come About?

I have written and re-written the words to the 9/11 Memorial Song a few times over. Initially, I felt people would think I was trying to cash in on the tragedy. But it is from the heart and feels that way to whoever hears it. And that is the reason I want to give it away FREE to those who want to listen to it.

I was watching a program on NIGHTLINE. It spoke about how the incident is sort of fading in the minds of some of us and they showed two very disturbing stories of burn victims who survived the explosions, now recouping without any heroic fanfare, in some hospital. At this point I thought, my song might help keep alive the way we felt on 9/11, never to lose our hope, faith, and the American spirit of freedom.

The other song America Forever is also appropriate for the times – a patriotic song for the new millennium.
Much as I would like to, I am not donating this track, as I would like it to help meet some of the expenses I’ve incurred in recording the songs in my album.”

Where Was Madooo on 9/11?

I work the afternoon shift at Deutsch Advertising. Having worked late the previous night, I was still asleep. The manager called me to tell me not to come into work because a bomb had blown up one of the Towers. I immediately turned on the TV and watched the rest of the terrible events unfold. My only thought was, “My God! There are so many people in there. Is there anything You can do to help? And when the towers came down, my heart just sank.

I haven’t been able to go to the site, even though I live here in New York. The first time I glanced at the skyline was six months later, in March, on the way to a concert in New Jersey. Even that only for a couple of seconds. It still brings so much pain.

Not a day goes by without thoughts of that fateful morning. I am constantly asking questions like, “How could they have done this to my home, my city” And thoughts like, “I wish these people with terror on their minds could meet the people of New York, and USA firsthand and see what a nice lot of people make up the country that is the United States of America. Then they would certainly have second thoughts.”

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